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Lease Advisory

It is vitally important that Tenants of business premises seek professional advice as to rental levels and the terms of their leases.


Evans & Payne have many years of experience in advising Tenants in respect of Rent Reviews, Lease Renewals and Lease Restructuring.

Our track record shows that through our experience, expertise and market knowledge we are able to negotiate the lowest possible levels of rent, be that at Rent Review or Lease Renewal. 

We are also able to negotiate favourable lease terms either at Lease Renewal or during the term of the lease where we explore the benefits of Lease Restructuring.

In most cases we will be able to achieve these aims through negotiation but where appropriate, if it is necessary to refer to a third party, then Evans and Payne have the required expertise to act as Expert Witness in referrals to Arbitration, Independent Expert determination, PACT or Court.

These issues have been exacerbated by the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic and the cost of living crisis and it is more important than ever that Tenants seek professional advice as regards rent and other lease terms. 

The Government’s updated Commercial rent code of practice following the Covid-19 pandemic can be downloaded here. 

Evans & Payne are ready to assist . Please call us on 020 7486 9597 or email Nigel Rand

Code of Practice for Commercial Property Relationships During Covid-19 pandemic, June 2020

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